Experiencing the breeze between the knees since March 2009
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Deep in the Heeaaart of Texas!
It's one wonderful thing to return home after weeks of being gone, but it's even better when you have a beautiful new kilt waiting for you to arrive! Soon as I get a few free minutes (probably tomorrow,) I'll get some pictures up. Stay tuned!
Innevitably, when you wear a kilt, you'll be asked a few questions. Here are some of the querries commonly posed to me and my responses:
Q: Are you Scottish? Where's your family tartan?
A: Technically, yes, I do have Scottish heritage on my mother's side, of which I am proud. The kilt, however, is more of a testament to freedom and comfort rather than homage to my ancestors; the particular company I get my kilts from designs the garments based on the needs of every-day wear and functionality, which rules out the traditional wool, plaid, sporran-accompanied Scottish-style kilts (granted, when the opportunity presents itself, I'll definitely get a traditional kilt with my family tartan for ceremonial purposes.)
Q: Where do you get your kilts?
A: I order my kilts from a company based in Seattle, Washington called Utilikilts - a very progressive bunch of folks who will be more than happy to sell you your freedom. Check them out at utilikilts.com
Q: What do you wear under there?
A: Boots. On the frequent occasions I opt to go barefoot, I like to match my socks and undergarments.
Q: Aren't you really just wearing a skirt?
A: Call it want you want - I'm wearing liberation. The folks who tend to insist that I'm crossdressing tend to strike me as pretty boring people. The ones who recognize it as a kilt are typically the ones shouting their approval and offering to buy me drinks.
Q: Are you gay?
A: No, but I support the community! I always find it interesting the types of assumptions people make based upon something as simple as choice of clothing - especially when they couldn't be further from the truth. I like to consider myself a nice guy, but ask a Scotsman clad in kilt about his sexual preferences and you'll proably find out what it feels like to be the caber in a caber toss. I will admit, I've been hit on by more than one dude, but I like to attribute that to my charm which knows no boundaries ;) As far as the original querry, I don't swing that way, but I encourage the folks who do to do so proudly - I support freedom in every sense of the word!
Q: Why do you wear it?
A: Biologically, men aren't designed to wear pants. There are many healthful benefits to wearing unbifurcated garments (i.e. pants and other garments worn below the waist that separate the legs): pants can restrict those delicate areas and cause problems as serious as impotency, but on the whole it's just not a great idea to squeeze those bits close to your body when nature intended them to swing freely - and boy does freedom swing! Since I began wearing kilts, the concept of putting on another pair of trousers makes me cringe, and actually wearing them is torture. There really is a psychological element to it: the chances of being cranky in a kilt are slim to none when everything can breathe. And of course, people love it: on a regular basis I am complimented on my style and commended for having the balls - quite literally - to wear such a unique piece of clothing in public. I can't say I'm really opposed to the extra attention, either.
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